Unveiling The Filming Locations Of "Mother!": A Journey Through Mystery

"Where was the Mother filmed?" is a question that pertains to the filming locations of the movie "Mother!".

The 2017 psychological horror film was directed by Darren Aronofsky and starred Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, and Michelle Pfeiffer. The movie follows a young couple whose tranquil life is disrupted by a series of increasingly bizarre and disturbing events. As the film progresses, the couple's relationship is tested and their sanity is questioned.

The film was shot on location in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The city's diverse architecture and landscapes provided the perfect backdrop for the film's unsettling and surreal atmosphere. Some of the specific locations used in the film include the Mile End neighborhood, the Jacques Cartier Bridge, and the Mount Royal Cemetery.

Where was the Mother filmed?

The 2017 psychological horror film "Mother!" was filmed on location in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The city's diverse architecture and landscapes provided the perfect backdrop for the film's unsettling and surreal atmosphere.

  • Filming locations: Mile End neighborhood, Jacques Cartier Bridge, Mount Royal Cemetery
  • Director: Darren Aronofsky
  • Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, Michelle Pfeiffer
  • Genre: Psychological horror
  • Release date: September 15, 2017
  • Budget: $30 million
  • Box office: $44 million
  • Critical reception: Mixed
  • Awards: None

The film's unique and disturbing imagery has been praised by some critics, while others have found it to be too pretentious and confusing. Despite the mixed critical reception, the film has been a commercial success, grossing over $44 million worldwide.

The film's success is likely due in part to its star-studded cast, which includes Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, and Michelle Pfeiffer. Lawrence gives a particularly strong performance as the young wife who is slowly driven to madness by the increasingly bizarre events that occur in her home.

"Mother!" is a challenging and thought-provoking film that is sure to stay with you long after the credits have rolled.

Filming locations

The filming locations in "Mother!" play a vital role in creating the film's unsettling and surreal atmosphere. The Mile End neighborhood, with its narrow streets and dilapidated buildings, provides a sense of claustrophobia and decay. The Jacques Cartier Bridge, with its towering steel structure, creates a sense of isolation and vulnerability. And the Mount Royal Cemetery, with its overgrown graves and crumbling tombstones, provides a sense ofand mortality.

These locations are not simply backdrops for the film's action, but active participants in the story. They shape the characters' experiences and contribute to the film's overall meaning. For example, the Mile End neighborhood is a place where the characters are constantly being watched and judged, while the Jacques Cartier Bridge is a place where they are forced to confront their own mortality. And the Mount Royal Cemetery is a place where they are forced to come to terms with the past.

The film's use of these locations is a powerful reminder of the power of cinema to create a sense of place and atmosphere. By carefully choosing and using its filming locations, "Mother!" is able to create a world that is both believable and deeply unsettling.


Darren Aronofsky is an American film director, screenwriter, and producer. He is known for his films that explore dark and disturbing themes, such as "Requiem for a Dream", "The Wrestler", and "Black Swan". His films are often visually striking and emotionally intense, and they have received critical acclaim for their originality and power.

Aronofsky's choice of filming locations plays a vital role in creating the atmosphere and tone of his films. For example, in "Mother!", he uses the Mile End neighborhood of Montreal to create a sense of claustrophobia and decay. The Jacques Cartier Bridge is used to create a sense of isolation and vulnerability. And the Mount Royal Cemetery is used to create a sense of mortality.

These locations are not simply backdrops for the film's action, but active participants in the story. They shape the characters' experiences and contribute to the film's overall meaning. For example, the Mile End neighborhood is a place where the characters are constantly being watched and judged, while the Jacques Cartier Bridge is a place where they are forced to confront their own mortality. And the Mount Royal Cemetery is a place where they are forced to come to terms with the past.

Aronofsky's use of filming locations is a powerful reminder of the power of cinema to create a sense of place and atmosphere. By carefully choosing and using his filming locations, Aronofsky is able to create a world that is both believable and deeply unsettling.


The cast of "Mother!" includes Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, and Michelle Pfeiffer. These four actors are all highly acclaimed and respected, and their presence in the film adds to its overall quality and appeal.

  • Acting ability: All four actors give excellent performances in the film. Lawrence is particularly good as the young wife who is slowly driven to madness by the increasingly bizarre events that occur in her home. Bardem is also good as the husband who is torn between his love for his wife and his desire to protect his home. Harris and Pfeiffer are also good in supporting roles.
  • Star power: The presence of these four actors in the film helps to attract audiences. Lawrence, Bardem, Harris, and Pfeiffer are all well-known and popular actors, and their involvement in the film helps to generate interest and excitement.
  • Chemistry: The four actors have good chemistry on screen. They are all believable as a family, and their interactions are natural and convincing.
  • Physicality: The four actors are all physically committed to their roles. They are not afraid to get dirty or to put themselves in danger. This commitment helps to create a sense of realism and urgency in the film.

The casting of Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, and Michelle Pfeiffer is one of the things that makes "Mother!" such a successful film. These four actors are all at the top of their game, and they give the film a level of quality and professionalism that is evident in every frame.


The genre of "Mother!" is psychological horror. This means that the film is designed to scare and disturb the audience on a psychological level. The film uses a variety of techniques to achieve this, such as:

  • Creating a sense of unease and anxiety
  • Using disturbing and graphic imagery
  • Exploring themes of violence, death, and loss

The filming locations in "Mother!" play a vital role in creating the film's psychological horror atmosphere. The Mile End neighborhood of Montreal is a rundown and decaying area, which creates a sense of unease and anxiety. The Jacques Cartier Bridge is a long and isolated structure, which creates a sense of vulnerability and claustrophobia. And the Mount Royal Cemetery is a place of death and mourning, which creates a sense of dread and foreboding.

The combination of the film's psychological horror genre and its filming locations creates a powerful and disturbing experience for the audience. The film is sure to stay with you long after the credits have rolled.

Release date

The release date of a film is an important factor in determining where it is filmed. In the case of "Mother!", the film's release date of September 15, 2017 had a significant impact on the choice of filming locations.

One of the main reasons for this is that the film's release date falls within the . This meant that the filmmakers had to find locations that would be visually appealing during this time of year. The Mile End neighborhood of Montreal was chosen because of its beautiful fall foliage. The Jacques Cartier Bridge was chosen because of its stunning views of the city skyline. And the Mount Royal Cemetery was chosen because of its colorful autumn leaves.

In addition to the visual appeal of the filming locations, the filmmakers also had to consider the weather conditions. The in Montreal can be unpredictable, with both warm and cold days. The filmmakers had to choose locations that would be suitable for filming in all types of weather. The Mile End neighborhood, the Jacques Cartier Bridge, and the Mount Royal Cemetery are all locations that are relatively protected from the elements.

The release date of a film is just one of many factors that can affect the choice of filming locations. However, it is an important factor to consider, as it can have a significant impact on the film's overall look and feel.


The budget of a film is one of the most important factors in determining where it is filmed. This is because the budget will dictate the resources available to the filmmakers, which in turn will affect the choice of filming locations.

In the case of "Mother!", the budget of $30 million was a relatively modest one for a major Hollywood film. This meant that the filmmakers had to be careful in choosing their filming locations. They needed to find locations that were visually appealing, but also affordable.

The filmmakers ultimately decided to film "Mother!" in Montreal, Canada. Montreal is a relatively affordable city to film in, and it also has a diverse range of filming locations. The Mile End neighborhood, the Jacques Cartier Bridge, and the Mount Royal Cemetery are all visually striking locations that helped to create the film's unique atmosphere.

The budget of a film is just one of many factors that can affect the choice of filming locations. However, it is an important factor to consider, as it can have a significant impact on the film's overall look and feel.

Here are some additional examples of how the budget of a film can affect the choice of filming locations:

  • A film with a large budget may be able to afford to film on location in exotic or expensive locations.
  • A film with a small budget may need to film in less desirable locations, or may have to use creative ways to make the most of their budget.
  • The budget of a film can also affect the length of time that the film is shot on location.

Understanding the connection between budget and filming locations is important for filmmakers and film enthusiasts alike. It can help filmmakers to make informed decisions about where to film their projects, and it can help film enthusiasts to appreciate the challenges that filmmakers face in bringing their films to life.

Box office

The box office performance of a film can have a significant impact on where it is filmed. This is because the box office revenue can be used to finance future projects, which can in turn lead to the filmmakers choosing to film in more desirable locations.

In the case of "Mother!", the film's box office success of $44 million allowed the filmmakers to recoup their investment and make a profit. This success may have given the filmmakers more freedom to choose their filming locations for future projects.

For example, the filmmakers may have been able to afford to film in more exotic or expensive locations, or they may have been able to spend more time on location to get the perfect shots. The box office success of "Mother!" may have also given the filmmakers more leverage when negotiating with potential filming locations.

The connection between box office performance and filming locations is an important one for filmmakers to understand. By understanding this connection, filmmakers can make informed decisions about where to film their projects and how to allocate their resources.

Critical reception

The critical reception of a film can have a significant impact on where it is filmed. This is because the critical reception can affect the film's box office performance, which in turn can affect the filmmakers' ability to secure financing for future projects. In the case of "Mother!", the film's mixed critical reception may have had a negative impact on its box office performance, which may have in turn affected the filmmakers' ability to secure financing for future projects.

  • Box office performance: As mentioned above, the critical reception of a film can affect its box office performance. This is because negative reviews can discourage people from seeing the film, while positive reviews can encourage people to see it. In the case of "Mother!", the film's mixed critical reception may have discouraged some people from seeing the film, which may have led to a lower box office performance.
  • Financing for future projects: The box office performance of a film can affect the filmmakers' ability to secure financing for future projects. This is because investors are less likely to invest in a filmmaker who has a history of making films that do not perform well at the box office. In the case of "Mother!", the film's mixed critical reception and subsequent lower box office performance may have made it more difficult for the filmmakers to secure financing for future projects.
  • Filming locations: The financing for a film can affect the filming locations. This is because filmmakers with a larger budget may be able to afford to film in more desirable locations, while filmmakers with a smaller budget may need to film in less desirable locations. In the case of "Mother!", the film's mixed critical reception and subsequent lower box office performance may have made it more difficult for the filmmakers to secure financing for the film, which may have in turn affected the filming locations.

The connection between critical reception and filming locations is an important one for filmmakers to understand. By understanding this connection, filmmakers can make informed decisions about how to market their films and how to allocate their resources.


The fact that "Mother!" did not win any major awards may have had a negative impact on its box office performance and critical reception. This is because awards can be seen as a mark of quality, and films that win awards are often more likely to be seen by audiences and critics. In the case of "Mother!", the film's lack of awards may have discouraged some people from seeing it, which may have led to a lower box office performance and less favorable critical reception.

Additionally, the lack of awards may have made it more difficult for the filmmakers to secure financing for future projects. This is because investors are less likely to invest in a filmmaker who has a history of making films that do not win awards. As a result, the lack of awards for "Mother!" may have had a negative impact on the filmmakers' ability to make future films.

The connection between awards and filming locations is an important one for filmmakers to understand. By understanding this connection, filmmakers can make informed decisions about how to market their films and how to allocate their resources.

FAQs for "Where Was Mother Filmed"

The following are frequently asked questions and answers about the filming locations of the movie "Mother!"

Question 1: Where was "Mother!" filmed?

Answer: "Mother!" was filmed in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Question 2: Why was Montreal chosen as the filming location?

Answer: Montreal was chosen because it offered a variety of filming locations that matched the film's unique and disturbing atmosphere. The Mile End neighborhood, the Jacques Cartier Bridge, and the Mount Royal Cemetery were all used to create a sense of unease and anxiety.

Question 3: Did the filming locations have any impact on the film's critical reception?

Answer: The filming locations played a vital role in the film's critical reception. Critics praised the film's use of location to create a sense of atmosphere and dread.

Question 4: What is the significance of the film's release date in relation to the filming locations?

Answer: The film's release date in September 2017 coincided with the fall foliage season in Montreal. The filmmakers took advantage of the city's beautiful autumn colors to create a visually appealing and unsettling atmosphere.

Question 5: Did the film's budget affect the choice of filming locations?

Answer: The film's budget of $30 million was a relatively modest one for a major Hollywood film. However, the filmmakers were able to use their resources wisely and find affordable filming locations in Montreal that met their needs.

Question 6: How did the film's box office performance impact the filming locations?

Answer: The film's box office performance did not have a significant impact on the filming locations. The film was shot entirely in Montreal, and the filmmakers did not need to make any changes to the filming locations based on the film's box office performance.

Summary: The filming locations of "Mother!" played a vital role in the film's overall atmosphere and critical reception. The filmmakers carefully chose each location to create a sense of unease and anxiety, and their efforts were praised by critics.

Transition to the next article section: In the next section, we will discuss the film's critical reception and its impact on the film's overall success.

Tips for Filming a Movie

The filming locations of a movie can have a significant impact on the film's overall atmosphere and critical reception. Here are five tips for choosing the right filming locations for your next movie:

Tip 1: Consider the film's genre. The genre of your film will help you to determine the type of filming locations that you need. For example, a horror film may require locations that are dark and eerie, while a comedy film may require locations that are light and airy.

Tip 2: Think about the film's setting. The setting of your film will also help you to determine the type of filming locations that you need. For example, a film set in the past may require locations that have a historical feel, while a film set in the future may require locations that have a futuristic feel.

Tip 3: Do your research. Once you have a general idea of the type of filming locations that you need, you should do some research to find specific locations that meet your needs. There are a number of online resources that can help you to find filming locations, such as the Location Scout website.

Tip 4: Visit the locations in person. Once you have found a few potential filming locations, you should visit them in person to get a feel for the location and to make sure that it is a good fit for your film. Pay attention to the location's size, shape, lighting, and acoustics.

Tip 5: Get the necessary permits. Once you have chosen your filming locations, you will need to get the necessary permits from the local authorities. The type of permits that you need will vary depending on the location and the activities that you will be filming.

By following these tips, you can choose the right filming locations for your movie and create a memorable and impactful experience for your audience.

Summary: The filming locations of a movie are an important part of the filmmaking process. By carefully choosing your filming locations, you can create a movie that is both visually appealing and critically acclaimed.


The filming locations of "Mother!" play a vital role in the film's overall atmosphere and critical reception. The filmmakers carefully chose each location to create a sense of unease and anxiety, and their efforts were praised by critics.

When choosing filming locations for your own film, it is important to consider the film's genre, setting, and overall tone. You should also do your research, visit the locations in person, and get the necessary permits. By following these tips, you can choose the right filming locations for your movie and create a memorable and impactful experience for your audience.
