Huge Scandals That Rocked Country Music

When it comes to politics, Hank Williams Jr. has made no secret of leaning heavily to the right. That was unmistakably clear when he made a 2011 appearance on Fox & Friends. Discussing Democratic President Barack Obama's then-recent golf game with Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner, Williams made a derisive comparison. "Come on, come on," he sneered. "It'd be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu," referring to the infamous Nazi dictator and the then-prime minister of Israel. 

You'd better believe there was backlash. As CNN reported, ABC pulled the singer's theme song for Monday Night Football from that week's game. In addition, Abraham Foxman, a Holocaust survivor and director of the Anti-Defamation League, demanded that Williams apologize "to Holocaust survivors, their families, and the brave American soldiers who gave of themselves to fight the Nazi menace during World War II."

Williams did issue an apology, declaring he was "sorry" if his "dumb statement ... offended anyone." Admitting his "analogy was extreme," Williams pointed out that he'd "always been very passionate about politics and sports and this time it got the best or worst of me." 
