Quarter Finals: Kirby vs. Ghost Rider

Whew, ok, now I'm home and ready to do this proper. I'm happy to see a fellow "outsider" like Ghost Rider make it this far in the tourney past staples like Cloud and Goku, but sadly for him, I have to continue backing the Pink Guy. I've not seen much here to prove that Kirby is out of his element at all.

Kirby copies abilities; he does not absorb them. No need for demons, he's just ready to rock without all the unholy stuffs. His rock form can withstand the wimpy attacks of a shotgun (yes, even one that shoots fire). Ghost Rider cannot "fly" proper. While Kirby's float is sluggish, it's still more evasive than Ghost Rider can be in the air, and that opening will give him the chance to inhale the skull faced menace.

Now, about Ghost Rider's supposed advantages:

1: Kirby has proven to be resilient in the past. He has dealt with guns, lasers, bombs, rocket launchers, swords, fire attacks of various types, chains of different types, and yes, even a motorcycle rider. I'm failing to see how Ghost Rider's weapons and abilities give him that much of an advantage here. Especially since Kirby can enter a near impenetrable rock form if need be.

2: Kirby can copy tech, weapons, and tools as well as powers. From Kirby's Adventure to SSB:B, he has been shown to copy the following (among other things): guns, swords, chains, rocket launchers, and armor. So not only do Ghost Rider's equipment and abilities fail to give him much of an advantage, they can also be turned on him. Remember as well that Ghost Rider's abilities include summoning chains, a hellfire breath attack, a penance stare, and creating a motorcycle of pure hellfire. All of which are things Kirby can likewise do once he gets a hold of Ghost Rider.

Finally, remember also that being part-demon, Ghost Rider is likely susceptible to the very attacks he uses in the event they are used against him.

Kirby is not going down without a fight here. It's not nearly as one sided as it seems. NEVER GIVE UP! VOTE KIRBY!
