Unveiling The Marriage And Life Of Nobel Laureate Robert Akerlof

Is Robert Akerlof Married? - Wife

Robert Akerlof is an American economist who is currently a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He is best known for his work on information asymmetry, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001. Akerlof has been married to Janet Yellen, the former Chair of the Federal Reserve, since 1978. Yellen is also a distinguished economist and has served as the President of the American Economic Association.

Akerlof and Yellen have two children together. Akerlof's research on information asymmetry has had a significant impact on the field of economics. His work has helped to explain why markets can fail when there is a lack of information between buyers and sellers. This research has been applied to a wide range of economic issues, including the market for used cars, the market for health insurance, and the market for financial products.

Akerlof's work on information asymmetry has also been influential in the development of behavioral economics. Behavioral economics is a field of economics that studies the psychological and cognitive factors that influence economic decision-making. Akerlof's work has helped to show that people are not always rational actors, and that their decisions can be influenced by a variety of factors, including emotions and biases.

Is Robert Akerlof Married? - Wife

Robert Akerlof is an American economist who is currently a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He is best known for his work on information asymmetry, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001.

  • Married: Robert Akerlof is married to Janet Yellen, the former Chair of the Federal Reserve.
  • Wedding Date: Akerlof and Yellen were married in 1978.
  • Children: Akerlof and Yellen have two children together.
  • Wife's Profession: Janet Yellen is also a distinguished economist and has served as the President of the American Economic Association.
  • Years of Marriage: Akerlof and Yellen have been married for over 40 years.
  • Shared Interests: Akerlof and Yellen share a passion for economics and have collaborated on several research projects.
  • Supportive Spouse: Yellen has been a supportive spouse, accompanying Akerlof to conferences and events.
  • Role Model: Akerlof and Yellen are role models for other couples who are both successful in their careers.
  • Inspiration: Their marriage is an inspiration to others, showing that it is possible to have a successful marriage and career.
  • Personal Life: Akerlof and Yellen are known for theirpersonal life and rarely give interviews about their marriage.

Akerlof and Yellen's marriage is a testament to the power of love and support. They have been married for over 40 years and have raised two children together. They are both successful economists and have made significant contributions to the field. Their marriage is an inspiration to others, showing that it is possible to have a successful marriage and career.


The statement "Married: Robert Akerlof is married to Janet Yellen, the former Chair of the Federal Reserve" provides a direct answer to the question "is robert akerlof married wife". It confirms that Robert Akerlof is married and provides the name of his wife. This information is relevant because it sheds light on Akerlof's personal life and family situation. It also highlights the fact that Akerlof is married to a distinguished economist, which may be of interest to those who are interested in his work and career.

  • Personal Life: The statement provides a glimpse into Akerlof's personal life, revealing that he is married and has a family. This information can be of interest to those who are curious about the personal lives of public figures.
  • Professional Network: The statement highlights Akerlof's professional network and connections. Being married to a former Chair of the Federal Reserve indicates that Akerlof has access to a wide network of influential individuals in the field of economics and finance.
  • Shared Interests: The statement suggests that Akerlof and his wife share a common interest in economics. This can be a source of support and collaboration in their personal and professional lives.
  • Public Perception: The statement can influence public perception of Akerlof and his work. Knowing that he is married to a respected economist may enhance his credibility and reputation in the field.

In conclusion, the statement "Married: Robert Akerlof is married to Janet Yellen, the former Chair of the Federal Reserve" provides valuable information about Akerlof's personal life, professional network, and public perception. It also highlights the importance of marriage and family in the lives of successful individuals.

Wedding Date

The statement "Wedding Date: Akerlof and Yellen were married in 1978" provides specific information about the date of Robert Akerlof's marriage to Janet Yellen. This information is relevant to the broader topic of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it confirms that Akerlof is married and provides the exact date of his marriage.

The wedding date is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it provides a timeline for Akerlof's personal life and family situation. It also highlights the fact that Akerlof has been married for over 40 years, which is a testament to the strength and longevity of his marriage.

Knowing the wedding date can be of interest to those who are curious about Akerlof's personal life and family history. It can also be relevant to those who are interested in the history of economics and the personal lives of economists. Additionally, the wedding date can be a useful piece of information for journalists, biographers, and researchers who are writing about Akerlof and his work.

In conclusion, the statement "Wedding Date: Akerlof and Yellen were married in 1978" provides valuable information about the specific date of Akerlof's marriage, which is a key component of the broader topic of "is robert akerlof married wife". This information can be of interest to those who are curious about Akerlof's personal life, family history, and professional.


The statement "Children: Akerlof and Yellen have two children together" provides relevant information about Robert Akerlof's personal life and family situation in relation to the broader topic of "is robert akerlof married wife". It confirms that Akerlof is married and has two children with his wife, Janet Yellen.

  • Family Life: Having children is a significant aspect of family life. The statement suggests that Akerlof and Yellen have a strong and stable family unit, which can provide support and fulfillment in their personal lives.
  • Time Management: Raising children requires time and effort. The statement implies that Akerlof and Yellen have successfully balanced their professional careers with their family responsibilities, demonstrating their ability to manage their time effectively.
  • Shared Values: Having children often reflects shared values and goals between partners. The statement suggests that Akerlof and Yellen share a commitment to family and are working together to raise their children.
  • Legacy: Children can be seen as a legacy or continuation of a family line. The statement implies that Akerlof and Yellen view their children as an important part of their lives and hope to pass on their values and beliefs to the next generation.

In conclusion, the statement "Children: Akerlof and Yellen have two children together" provides valuable insights into Akerlof's personal life, family dynamics, and shared values. It also highlights the importance of family in the lives of successful individuals and the ability to balance professional and personal responsibilities.

Wife's Profession

The statement "Wife's Profession: Janet Yellen is also a distinguished economist and has served as the President of the American Economic Association" is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the professional accomplishments and achievements of Robert Akerlof's wife, Janet Yellen. This information is relevant because it provides a deeper understanding of Akerlof's personal life, family dynamics, and shared interests.

The fact that Yellen is a distinguished economist and has held the position of President of the American Economic Association indicates that she is a highly respected and influential figure in the field of economics. This reflects positively on Akerlof and his own professional standing, suggesting that he is married to a woman who is not only his life partner but also his intellectual equal.

Furthermore, the statement implies that Akerlof and Yellen share a common passion for economics, which can be a source of support and collaboration in their personal and professional lives. Having a spouse who is also a successful economist can provide a unique level of understanding and support, especially when it comes to discussing and navigating the challenges and opportunities of the field.

In conclusion, the statement "Wife's Profession: Janet Yellen is also a distinguished economist and has served as the President of the American Economic Association" provides valuable insights into Robert Akerlof's personal life, family dynamics, and shared interests. It highlights the professional accomplishments of his wife and suggests that they share a common passion for economics, which can be a source of support and collaboration in both their personal and professional lives.

Years of Marriage

The statement "Years of Marriage: Akerlof and Yellen have been married for over 40 years" is a significant aspect of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the longevity and stability of Robert Akerlof's marriage to Janet Yellen. This information provides insights into their personal life, relationship dynamics, and shared experiences.

  • Marital Stability: The length of a marriage can be an indicator of its stability and commitment. The fact that Akerlof and Yellen have been married for over 40 years suggests that they have a strong and enduring relationship.
  • Shared History: A long marriage implies that the couple has shared a significant portion of their lives together. They have likely experienced major life events, challenges, and triumphs as a team, which can create a deep bond and understanding.
  • Resilience: Marriages that last for over four decades often demonstrate resilience and the ability to overcome challenges. Akerlof and Yellen's long-lasting marriage suggests that they have weathered life's storms together and emerged stronger as a couple.
  • Role Models: Long-term marriages can serve as role models for younger couples, demonstrating the possibility of maintaining a strong and loving relationship over time. Akerlof and Yellen's marriage is an example of a successful and enduring partnership.

In conclusion, the statement "Years of Marriage: Akerlof and Yellen have been married for over 40 years" provides valuable insights into the longevity and stability of Robert Akerlof's marriage. It highlights the strength of their relationship, the shared experiences they have accumulated over the years, and the resilience they have shown in navigating life's challenges together.

Shared Interests

The statement "Shared Interests: Akerlof and Yellen share a passion for economics and have collaborated on several research projects" is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the intellectual connection and shared professional goals between Robert Akerlof and his wife, Janet Yellen. This information provides insights into their relationship dynamics, compatibility, and mutual support.

  • Intellectual Compatibility: Sharing a passion for the same field of study can foster intellectual compatibility and create a strong bond between partners. Akerlof and Yellen's shared interest in economics suggests that they enjoy engaging in intellectual discussions, challenging each other's ideas, and exploring new concepts together.
  • Collaboration and Support: Collaborating on research projects requires a high level of trust, understanding, and mutual respect. The fact that Akerlof and Yellen have collaborated on several research projects indicates that they are able to work effectively together, support each other's ideas, and contribute equally to their shared intellectual endeavors.
  • Shared Goals and Values: Having similar professional goals and values can create a sense of purpose and direction in a relationship. Akerlof and Yellen's shared passion for economics suggests that they are both committed to advancing the field and using their knowledge to make a positive impact on society.
  • Mutual Respect and Admiration: Collaborating on intellectual projects often leads to mutual respect and admiration between partners. Akerlof and Yellen's collaboration on several research projects suggests that they have a deep respect for each other's intellect, expertise, and contributions to the field of economics.

In conclusion, the statement "Shared Interests: Akerlof and Yellen share a passion for economics and have collaborated on several research projects" highlights the intellectual compatibility, collaboration, shared goals, and mutual respect between Robert Akerlof and his wife, Janet Yellen. These shared interests have likely contributed to the strength and longevity of their marriage, providing a solid foundation for their personal and professional lives.

Supportive Spouse

The statement "Supportive Spouse: Yellen has been a supportive spouse, accompanying Akerlof to conferences and events" highlights the supportive role that Janet Yellen has played in Robert Akerlof's professional life. This statement is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it provides insights into the dynamics of their marriage and the ways in which Yellen has contributed to Akerlof's success.

Accompanying one's spouse to conferences and events requires a significant investment of time and effort. Yellen's willingness to do so demonstrates her commitment to supporting Akerlof's career and her understanding of the importance of his work. By being present at these events, Yellen provides both emotional and practical support to Akerlof, allowing him to focus on his professional responsibilities.

Furthermore, Yellen's presence at conferences and events also serves to enhance Akerlof's professional reputation. Her own standing as a distinguished economist and former Chair of the Federal Reserve adds credibility to Akerlof's work and helps to raise his profile within the economics community.

In conclusion, the statement "Supportive Spouse: Yellen has been a supportive spouse, accompanying Akerlof to conferences and events" highlights the important role that Yellen has played in Akerlof's professional life. Her support has contributed to his success and enhanced his reputation within the economics community.

Role Model

The statement "Role Model: Akerlof and Yellen are role models for other couples who are both successful in their careers" is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the positive impact that Akerlof and his wife, Janet Yellen, have had on others. By demonstrating that it is possible to have a successful marriage while also pursuing successful careers, Akerlof and Yellen serve as role models for other couples who are striving to achieve similar goals.

Akerlof and Yellen's success in both their personal and professional lives is particularly noteworthy because it challenges traditional stereotypes about the relationship between marriage and career. In the past, it was often assumed that women who pursued careers would have to sacrifice their personal lives, while men who prioritized their careers would have to sacrifice their family lives. However, Akerlof and Yellen have shown that it is possible to achieve success in both realms.

The fact that Akerlof and Yellen have been able to achieve success in both their personal and professional lives is likely due to a number of factors, including their mutual support, their shared values, and their ability to balance their work and family responsibilities. By providing a positive example of a successful marriage and career, Akerlof and Yellen are helping to change the way that people think about the relationship between work and family.

In conclusion, the statement "Role Model: Akerlof and Yellen are role models for other couples who are both successful in their careers" is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the positive impact that Akerlof and his wife have had on others. By demonstrating that it is possible to have a successful marriage while also pursuing successful careers, Akerlof and Yellen are serving as role models for other couples who are striving to achieve similar goals.


The statement "Inspiration: Their marriage is an inspiration to others, showing that it is possible to have a successful marriage and career" is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the broader impact and significance of Robert Akerlof and Janet Yellen's marriage. By demonstrating that it is possible to have a successful marriage while also pursuing successful careers, Akerlof and Yellen are serving as role models for others and challenging traditional stereotypes about the relationship between work and family.

The fact that Akerlof and Yellen have been able to achieve success in both their personal and professional lives is particularly noteworthy because it challenges the idea that one must sacrifice one's personal life in order to achieve career success. This is a particularly important message for young people who are trying to navigate the often-difficult balance between work and family.

Akerlof and Yellen's marriage is also an inspiration because it shows that it is possible to have a successful marriage even when both partners are highly successful in their careers. This is a valuable message for couples who are both ambitious and driven, and who may worry that their relationship will suffer as a result of their career ambitions.

In conclusion, the statement "Inspiration: Their marriage is an inspiration to others, showing that it is possible to have a successful marriage and career" is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the positive impact that Akerlof and his wife have had on others. By demonstrating that it is possible to have a successful marriage while also pursuing successful careers, Akerlof and Yellen are serving as role models for others and challenging traditional stereotypes about the relationship between work and family.

Personal Life

The statement "Personal Life: Akerlof and Yellen are known for theirpersonal life and rarely give interviews about their marriage" is a relevant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it provides insights into the couple's approach to their personal lives and their relationship with the media. By choosing to maintain apersonal life and avoiding public discussions about their marriage, Akerlof and Yellen are demonstrating their commitment to privacy and their desire to protect their relationship from undue scrutiny.

  • Privacy: Akerlof and Yellen'spersonal life is a reflection of their value for privacy. They have chosen to keep their personal lives out of the public eye, likely to maintain a sense of normalcy and avoid the pressures and expectations that come with being in the spotlight.
  • Protection: By rarely giving interviews about their marriage, Akerlof and Yellen are protecting their relationship from potential media sensationalism or misinterpretation. They are choosing to control the narrative around their marriage and to prevent their personal lives from becoming a subject of public speculation or gossip.
  • Focus on Work: Akerlof and Yellen'spersonal life allows them to focus on their professional careers without the distractions or interruptions that can come with a highly publicized personal life. They are able to dedicate their time and energy to their research, teaching, and other professional endeavors without the need to constantly manage their public image.
  • Respect for Boundaries: Akerlof and Yellen's decision to maintain apersonal life is a sign of respect for each other's boundaries and for the sanctity of their marriage. They are choosing to prioritize their relationship and to create a private space where they can connect and grow together without the influence or judgment of the outside world.

In conclusion, the statement "Personal Life: Akerlof and Yellen are known for theirpersonal life and rarely give interviews about their marriage" is a significant component of "is robert akerlof married wife" because it highlights the couple's commitment to privacy, protection, focus on work, and respect for boundaries. By choosing to maintain apersonal life, Akerlof and Yellen are demonstrating their desire to protect their relationship and to live their lives on their own terms.

FAQs about Robert Akerlof and his Wife

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Robert Akerlof and his wife, Janet Yellen, based on the information gathered from reliable sources.

Question 1: Is Robert Akerlof married?

Answer: Yes, Robert Akerlof is married to Janet Yellen.

Question 2: Who is Robert Akerlof's wife?

Answer: Robert Akerlof's wife is Janet Yellen, a distinguished economist who served as the Chair of the Federal Reserve and the President of the American Economic Association.

Question 3: When did Robert Akerlof get married?

Answer: Robert Akerlof and Janet Yellen were married in 1978.

Question 4: How many children do Robert Akerlof and Janet Yellen have?

Answer: Robert Akerlof and Janet Yellen have two children together.

Question 5: What is Robert Akerlof's wife's profession?

Answer: Robert Akerlof's wife, Janet Yellen, is also a distinguished economist. She has held various prestigious positions in the field, including Chair of the Federal Reserve and President of the American Economic Association.

Question 6: Are Robert Akerlof and Janet Yellen still married?

Answer: Yes, Robert Akerlof and Janet Yellen are still married and have been together for over 40 years.

In conclusion, Robert Akerlof is married to Janet Yellen, a fellow economist and former Chair of the Federal Reserve. They have been married for over four decades and have two children together.

This FAQ section provides concise and informative answers to common questions about Robert Akerlof and his wife, clarifying the marital status, professional background, and personal life of the couple.

Tips on Researching "Is Robert Akerlof Married Wife"

Thoroughly examining the keyword phrase "is robert akerlof married wife" is crucial for conducting effective research on this topic. Here are five tips to guide you:

Tip 1: Break Down the Keyword Phrase

Identify the individual words and concepts within the keyword phrase. In this case, the key terms are "Robert Akerlof," "married," and "wife." Breaking down the phrase allows you to focus your research on specific aspects.

Tip 2: Use Boolean Operators

Utilize Boolean operators such as "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search queries. For instance, searching for "Robert Akerlof" AND "wife" will retrieve results that include both terms.

Tip 3: Explore Multiple Sources

Consult a variety of sources, including academic papers, news articles, and credible websites, to gather comprehensive information. Cross-referencing data from multiple sources enhances the reliability of your findings.

Tip 4: Consider Context

Pay attention to the context in which the keyword phrase is used. This involves understanding the purpose of the text, the target audience, and the overall tone. Contextual analysis helps you interpret the information accurately.

Tip 5: Evaluate Credibility

Critically evaluate the credibility of sources before relying on the information they provide. Consider factors such as the author's expertise, the publisher's reputation, and the presence of citations or references.

These tips will assist you in conducting a thorough and informative research on "is robert akerlof married wife" and related topics.

In conclusion, approaching your research with a structured and critical mindset will enable you to gain a comprehensive understanding of Robert Akerlof's marital status and the broader context surrounding this topic.


The exploration of "is robert akerlof married wife" has shed light on the personal life and professional accomplishments of this renowned economist. Robert Akerlof's marriage to Janet Yellen, a distinguished economist in her own right, exemplifies the compatibility of successful careers and a fulfilling personal life.

Their partnership has not only provided mutual support and companionship but has also fostered intellectual collaboration and shared values. Akerlof and Yellen have dedicated their lives to advancing the field of economics, inspiring others to pursue similar paths without sacrificing personal fulfillment.

Their example challenges traditional stereotypes and demonstrates the possibility of achieving success in both marriage and career. Akerlof and Yellen serve as role models for aspiring economists and couples alike, proving that it is possible to navigate the demands of professional life while maintaining a strong and supportive partnership.
