Marlon Brando's Tragic Real-Life Story

Marlon Brando's romantic entanglements were, as you'd expect, just as turbulent as the rest of his life. He was married three times: to Anna Kashil, Movita Castaneda, and Tarita Teriipaia, and had children with each. Brando also nurtured a 14-year affair with a maid called Maria Cristina Ruiz. They had three children. Including a few adoptions along the way, Brando's total confirmed number of children is 11, though it could be much higher.

Brando also had more than a few flings, both inside and outside of his marriages. There are rumors of affairs with Jackie Kennedy, Richard Pryor, Jackie Collins, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, James Baldwin, Shelley Winters, and Heidi Fleiss. Many of these relationships were punctuated by tragedy. Rita Moreno (above), with whom Brando had an affair during his prime, has since revealed that their time together was sullied with cheating, emotional betrayals, physical abuses, an illegal abortion, and a suicide attempt. To the men and women he slept with, Brando's touch often led to disaster.
